Alexander de Grote. Vertaald door Victor Verduin.
Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam/Antwerpen, 2000. 4th ed. 603p. ills. Paperback. Unread.
Licht door de auteur aangepaste revisie van het Engelse origineel. 'There can be no doubt that Lane Fox's book is a remarkable achievement. The most remarkable thing about that the author was twenty-seven at the time of its publication, having graduated only in 1969. Since then he has read not only all but four of the more than a thousand books and articles that have been written about Alexander, but much more besides. For he also has an extensive knowledge of the evidence for, and the literature on, such topics as the organization of the Persian empire, Indian customs, military developments in Greece, and the Hellenization of the East after Alexander's death. Nor has he spent all his time in libraries: he has travelled widely in the areas of Alexander's conquests and is able to draw graphic pictures of the terrain. to have done all this, marshalled the vast material, and put the book together in so short a time, is a prodigious feat, truly worth of the achievements of the author's subject. The general reader will find in the book a picture of Alexander which is well rounded, deeply researched, and intelligently set against its background both in Greece and in the Achaemenid empire. Lane Fox has a fine eye for illuminating historical paralleles and a free flowing style well suited to the description of Alexander's exploits. But clearly Lane Fox is not writing for the general reader alone. He has thought hard about the evidence, and on many issues he has challenging, original views which he will rightly expect to be taken seriously by scholars and students. (JOHN BRISCOE on the English original in The Classical Review (New Series), 1976, p.233).
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