Aus Allem Eines. Studien zur antiken Geistesgeschichte. Herausgegeben von H. Petersmann. Mit Tabula Gratulatoria.
Lothar Stiehm, Heidelberg, 1984. 485p. Bound wrps.
A.o.: Niklas HOLZBERG: Playing with his Life: Ovid's Autobiographical References; John F. MILLER: Ovidian Allusion and the Vocabulary of Memory; Sergio CASALI: Other Voices in Ovid's 'Aeneid'; Maria WYKE: Reading Female Flesh: Amores 3.1; Alison R. SHARROCK: Ovid and the Politics of Reading; Carole NEWLANDS: Ovid's Narrator in the Fasti; Elaine FANTHAM: Ovid, Germanicus, and the Composition of the Fasti.
€ 34.50