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Metamorphoses. Book VIII. Edited with an Introduction and Commentary by A.S. Hollis.

Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1970. XXX,168p. ills. Cloth wrps. Wrps a bit worn and a bit discoloured. Edges a little bit rust stained.
'An up-to-date commentary on an attractive book of the 'Metamorphoses' such as Book VIII is greatly to be welcomed (...). Hollis writes easily and agreeably, and his commentary can be read with pleasure as well as with profit. (...) Hollis has read Homer and the Hellenistic poets, also the papyrus fragments and the mythographical sources, to excellent effect; and the material which he has collected to illustrate the origins of the stories used by Ovid and their treatment by other writers is of great value. (...) Where I think that guidance and illustration are lacking is in the matter of Ovidian usage and latinity.' (E.J. KENNEY in The Classical Review (New Series), 1972, pp.214-16).
€ 20.00 Antiquarian

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