King Herod's Dream. Caesarea on the Sea.
Norton, London, 1988. 244p. ills. Wireless.
Like many ancient cities Caesarea owed its foundations as a great city to the imagination, ambition, and resources of a major benefactor of urbanism: This city was King Herod’s Dream. He and his planners were responsible for its up-to-date urban plan and for the magnificent conception of the city’s man-made harbor, Sebastos. Until the end of antiquity, Caesarea was the headquarters of Roman administration in the region. Its harbor was the major transport center for goods and commodities from all over the Mediterranean world. In the Byzantine era Caesarea became Christian in religion, but otherwise the forms of classical urbanism lived on through the Arab conquest of the Middle East and the subsequent era of the Crusaders. When the Egyptian Mamluks destroyed Crusader Caesarea they put an end to thirteen centuries of urbanism on the site.
€ 18.50